
NewBCamp is a wrap - your feedback has been great, and I'm looking forward to making the next NewBCamp even more responsive to the needs of the "newbies." It's a delicate balance to strike when putting the geeks and the newbies together - we're all at different levels. So all in all I hope next time we can continue the conversation and help even more people get to their "next level."

Sara Streeter

Some important info about Parking and Weather for all attendees:

NewBCamp is a GO - NO cancellation

Thank you for your collective good karma, because it's paid off and NewBCamp is happening as scheduled - no delay, and NO cancellation.

The kindly gentleman security officer asked too that I direct you all to park your cars in Johnson Lot at the end away from the entrance, closer to the door of Xavier Academic Building. So when you get there, look for the far fence and park along it - which will be convenient for you and will make sure everyone has plenty of room to park and we don't block anyone out or in. Good enough.

See you in about 6 hours!!

Sara Streeter

Event: NewBCamp

Date: February 23, 2008

Time: 9:00 am ET - 4:00 pm ET


Xavier Academic Complex

259 Pine Street

Johnson & Wales University

Providence, RI 02903

Happy NewBCamp Eve!

Sara Streeter here, giving you all an update on the weather and parking situation (all of which is actually pretty decent).

By the way, we're opening Registration at 9am, but the UnKeynote welcome doesn't start until 9:45, so you have some leeway there.

(Organizers, on the other hand, I'm asking to arrive by 8:30am, and Mr. Pat Dyl and I will be there by 8am, lucky us ;p)

I spoke with the kindly gentleman in Security who will be with us for the event. He has spoken with the grounds crew so they are aware of the need to get Johnson lot clear for tomorrow. As of right now the lot is already plowed and it seems like the storm is clearing up - it has actually turned to light, misty rain in Providence. So I would put my money on having NewBCamp tomorrow (although I am still going to call them tomorrow and send out an e-mail to let you all know for sure - by 6am at the latest).

As for parking, we lucked out and got full use of the parking lot across from Xavier. So for all you who are driving and car-pooling you are welcome to park for the entire day in the Johnson Lot at JWU free of charge. How much better can that get?

Here are the directions to the lot (and again that's 259 Pine Street, Providence, RI 02903, although I noticed recently that the door we'll be using to the Xavier Academic Complex says 261 Pine Street, **shrug**)

Providence Downtown Campus

From I-95 South:

From I-95 South take Exit 21 (Atwells Avenue). Follow to 5th light then take a left onto Broad Street.

Cross over the bridge and take a right onto Chestnut Street. At the first traffic light, take a right onto Pine Street and the parking lot entrance will be on your left.

From I-95 North:

From I-95 North take Exit 22 (Providence Downtown) and bear right. At light, turn right onto Francis Street. At next light, turn right and bear left onto Sabin Street. At next fork in road (in front of the Dunkin Donuts Center), bear left onto Empire Street. Follow to 5th light and turn right onto Pine Street.

Parking lot entrance is on the left.

Johnson & Wales Visitor Parking

Visitor Parking is provided in the JOHNSON HALL LOT located on Pine Street across from

Xavier Hall. The entrance to the lot is on the LEFT off of Pine Street.

Event Details:

What is NewBCamp? It's a one day conference to introduce people from all professions and walks of life to emerging technologies, as well as provide primers for how to get started in those technologies. Everything from web design to blogging, podcasting, video on the Internet, and social networks will be discussed and shared. Unlike a regular conference, everyone is encouraged to participate and speak!